9kg LP Gas Slegs/Only. (Exchange/Omruil) FREE Delivery!

9kg LP Gas Slegs/Only. (Exchange/Omruil) FREE Delivery!

R 290 Sale R 350

Exchange of 9kg LP Gas.

PLEASE, ensure that you include your proper and correct physical delivery address and contact details when ordering.

  • FREE delivery in 12km from Cullinan.
  • You must please have an empty 9kg bottle available to exchange for a full bottle.
  • You please have to order before 9 am to get same-day delivery.
  • If you select "cash on delivery" in the payment section, please ensure that you have the correct cash amount available during the delivery. Our delivery personnel does not always have the correct change.

Omruil van 9kg LP Gas.

Maak ASSEBLIEF seker, dat U die korrekte fisiese adres vir aflewering and U korrekte selfoon nommer gee wanneer U die bestelling plaas. 

  • GRATIS aflewering in 12km vanaf Cullinan.
  • U moet asb 'n leë 9kg bottel beskikbaar hê om vir 'n vol bottel te ruil.
  • U moet asb voor 09:00 vm bestel om dieselfde dag aflewering te kry.
  • As U "kontant by aflewering" in die betaling afdeling kies, maak asseblief seker dat U die korrekte kontantbedrag beskikbaar het gedurende die aflewering. Ons aflewerings personeel het nie altyd die korrekte kleingeld nie.

FREE DELIVERY of all Cullinan Gas products are inclusive of the following areas. From south of Cullinan, the smallholdings of Tweedraght, Boschkop, Kleinfontein, Donkerhoek, Kaalfontein, Valtaki, Rayton, Nooitgedaght road, Elandshoek, Zonderwater, Lewzene, Cullinan, Doornkraal, De Tweedespruit, Krokodilspruit, De Wagensdrift and Boekenhoutskloof.

GRATIS AFLEWERING van alle Cullinan Gas-produkte sluit die volgende areas in. Van suid van Cullinan, die kleinhoewes van Tweedraght, Boschkop, Kleinfontein, Donkerhoek, Kaalfontein, Valtaki, Rayton, Nooitgedaght road, Elandshoek, Zonderwater, Lewzene, Cullinan, Doornkraal, De Tweedespruit, Krokodilspruit, De Wagensdrift and Boekenhoutskloof.

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